Follow my adventures on Instagram @yolandi_eats_LA
Here’s my deets:
I’m a girl. Just because I don’t wear little frilly dresses some people think I’m a boy. Nope. They call me “no penis Yolandi”.
I weigh 4.5 pounds, maybe a little more after vegan donuts.
I was named after Yolandi Visser from Die Antwoord but I think I’m 28 x sassier than her. 😏
I’m over 56 years old in dog years, but don’t ask a lady her age unless she offers.
I LOVE to eat! And I LOVE plant based food because I don’t like to eat or wear anything that caused another animal pain.
Lucky for me I live in Los Angeles which is one of the TOP cities in the world for vegan food! I think it’s just as important to feature (non-vegan) restaurants that offer “vegan options” and are “vegan friendly” as it is to feature completely 100% vegan restaurants. A restaurant that serves meat, but also has vegan options, is a step in the right direction to me. It’s the beginning of change! That restaurant decided to offer a vegan option on their menu because of demand.
Being vegan is just way too easy these days. It’s not even a struggle. Vegans can eat cheese and butter and anything a non-vegan can. Being vegan also helps the environment in a HUGE way! Here’s a few articles to read about how going vegan helps save the planet:
1) Top Ten Reasons To Go Vegan
3) 5 Surprising Facts About Veganism
I started featuring plant based food around Los Angeles as more of a “thank you” to restaurants for offering delicious and kind food. I have never asked a restaurant to provide me with free food. It’s not about ME becoming famous or ME getting things for free. It’s about showcasing the hard working restaurants and giving them a big hug for offering such yummy vegan food. 💚🌱
If you want to see more of me, follow my eating adventures on Instagram @yolandi_eats_LA